Dead by Daylight Wiki
Meg Thomas
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Energiczna Atletka
Aktor głosowy
Ingrid Blemur (Quality Assurance Tester)

Meg Thomas jest jedną z 39 Ocalałych Ocalali}} w Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.

Jest ona dostępna w bazowej wersji gry.

Opis Postaci[ | ]

Meg Thomas jest energiczną lekkoatletką. Jest w stanie prześcignąć większość zabójców.

Jej przyswajalne umiejętności: Szybko i Cicho IconPerks quickAndQuiet, Sprint IconPerks sprintBurst i Adrenalina IconPerks adrenaline zapewniają przewagę podczas pościgów i skutecznie zwiększają dystans między ocalałym a zabójcą.

Meg otrzymuje zastrzyk adrenaliny zawsze wtedy, gdy sytuacja robi się napięta. Jest szybka i wie jak poruszać się bez wydawania dźwięku.

Poziom trudności: Łatwy

Tło Fabularne[ | ]

StoreBackground MT
Dodatkowe informacje można znaleźć w Tomie IV - Przekonanie: Zostań w Tyle.

Niewykluczone, że to matka Meg zaszczepiła w dziewczynie dziką pasję. Możliwe, że była to sprawka jej ojca, który opuścił rodzinę, gdy ta była jeszcze dzieckiem. Meg była zdolną uczennicą, ale sprawiała problemy wychowawcze. Na szczęście dla niej, trener lekkoatletyki zachęcił dziewczynę do spożytkowania nadmiaru energii na torze.

Użyła swej determinacji w innych dziedzinach życia, dzięki czemu została gwiazdą szkoły wyższej i zdobyła stypendium do koledżu. Kiedy jej matka zachorowała, Meg postanowiła zrezygnować z szansy na studia na rzecz opieki nad kobietą, która ją wychowywała. Pewnego letniego dnia, podczas dłuższej przebieżki w leśnej gęstwinie, Meg zaginęła. Poszukiwania dziewczyny nie odniosły żadnego skutku, a jej ciała nigdy nie odnaleziono.

Unikalne Umiejętności[ | ]

Są to umiejętności, które pojawiają się początkowo tylko w Krwistej Sieci Krwista Sieć}} Meg. Po osiągnięciu 30 poziomu, dostępne są ich przyswajalne wersje:

  • Szybko i Cicho – Poziom 30
  • Sprint – Poziom 35
  • Adrenalina – Poziom 40

Raz zdobywszy, inni Ocalali będą w stanie znaleźć umiejętności Meg w swoich własnych Krwistych Sieciach.

Szybko i Cicho

Gdy przeskakujesz szybko przez przeszkody lub chowasz się szybko w szafkach, nie hałasujesz tak mocno jak inni.

Zasięg powiadomień zabójcy o akcjach związanych z szybkim przeskakiwaniem przez przeszkody lub chowaniem się w szafkach jest zmniejszony o 100 %.

Ten efekt może być wywołany raz na każde 30/25/20 sekund.

Unikalna dla Meg Thomas przed 30 poziomem, po 30 poziomie przyswajalna wersja tej umiejętności jest możliwa do zdobycia przez innych Ocalałych.


Kiedy zaczynasz biegać, rozpocznie się twój sprint z prędkością 150 % normalnego biegu na maksymalnie 3 sekund.

Wywołuje efekt Wyczerpany IconStatusEffects exhausted na 60/50/40 sekund.

  • Sprint nie może zostać użyty, gdy jesteś Wyczerpany.
  • Czas trwania efektu Wyczerpany nie zmniejsza się podczas biegania.

Unikalna dla Meg Thomas przed 35 poziomem, po 35 poziomie przyswajalna wersja tej umiejętności jest możliwa do zdobycia przez innych Ocalałych.


Nabierasz nowych sił, kiedy jesteś blisko ucieczki.

Kiedy Bramy Wyjściowe IconHelp exitGates są zasilone, natychmastowo zostajesz uleczony z jednego Stanu Zdrowia Stan Zdrowia}} i sprintujesz z prędkością 150 % normalnej szybkości Biegu przez 5 sekund.

  • Adrenalina nie uaktywni się, jeśli Ocalały jest unieruchomiony i zacznie działać dopiero wtedy, gdy zostanie uwolniony.
  • Jeśli grasz przeciwko Koszmarowi Koszmar}}, Adrenalina obudzi cię z Świata Snu po aktywacji.

Adrenalina ignoruje efekt Wyczerpany, ale wywołuje efekt Wyczerpanie IconStatusEffects exhausted na 60/50/40 sekund.

Osiągnięcia[ | ]

Główny artykuł: Osiągnięcia

Obecnie dostępne jest 1 Osiągnięcie dla Meg.

Ikona Nazwa Opis
Meg – Ekspert}}
Meg – Ekspert Ucieknij z Mapy jako Meg Thomas używając wyłącznie jej Unikalnych Umiejętności: Szybko i Cicho IconPerks quickAndQuiet, Sprint IconPerks sprintBurst i Adrenalina IconPerks adrenaline.

Przedmioty Kosmetyczne[ | ]

Gracze mogą dostosować swoją postać wybierając odpowiedni styl ubrań z każdej z kategorii. Zakrwawiony ubiór jest dostępny po osiągnięciu poziomu 50 Ocalałego i odpowiedniego poziomu Prestiżu.

Niektóre ubrania mogą być zdobyte tylko przez zakup Rozszerzenia do gry.

Do ubioru Meg należą:

Domyślny[ | ]

Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Dodatkowe Notki
M Head01 Meg CategoryIcon head Common The French braids are ideal to keep her hair out of her face while running. Base Head Design of Meg Thomas
M Head02 Sport Cap CategoryIcon head Common The cap keeps the sun out of Meg's eyes during sunset runs. Base design of Meg's alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store
M Head03 Sporty Bob CategoryIcon head Common Trimmed short for extra speed and agility.
M Torso01 Sport Top CategoryIcon torso Common The perfect blend of performance material and comfort. Base Torso Design of Meg Thomas

Base design of Meg's alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store

M Torso02 Jogging Hoodie CategoryIcon torso Common Lightweight and yet warm for those early morning jogs.
M Torso03 Superstar Corvids Jersey CategoryIcon torso Common Number 14 is also Meg's lucky number.
M Legs01 Sport Leggings CategoryIcon legs Common Stretchy in all the right places with outstanding support for the hamstrings. Base Leg Design of Meg Thomas

Base design of Meg's alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store

M Legs02 Sweat Pants CategoryIcon legs Common The ultimate in comfy, everyday sports wear.
M Leg03 High Grip Sneakers CategoryIcon legs Common Thick leggings help protect the legs from falls and fouls.

Prestiż[ | ]

Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Dodatkowe Notki
M Head01 P01 Bloody Meg CategoryIcon head Rare The layers of grime and damage cannot remove the look of intent on Meg's face. 3rd Prestige Reward
M Torso01 P01 Bloody Sport Top CategoryIcon torso Rare Keeps the sweat on the inside, shame it doesn't keep the blood there, too. 1st Prestige Reward
M Legs01 P01 Bloody Sport Leggings CategoryIcon legs Rare To tear skin tight leggings means you tear the skin they are tightly clinging to. 2nd Prestige Reward

Specjalne[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Wydarzenie
MT Torso02 Anni01 Red-Trim Leather Hoodie CategoryIcon torso Common Casual, relaxing and warm on an autumn evening. 1 Year Anniversary
MT Head05 Teen Angst CategoryIcon head Uncommon A relaxed haircut good for situations such as studying or watching old horror movies!

"A month ago? I would have picked ten zombie movies. Now? Like, ten documentaries on how to build shelter, catch food and make toilet paper." -Zoey

PARAGRAPH I: Left Behind
MT Torso05 Zipper Hoodie CategoryIcon torso Uncommon Look at you, all dressed up for the apocalypse.

"Funny, sexy, brunette zombie killer wanted to lead three helpless men to safety." -Zoey

PARAGRAPH I: Left Behind
MT Legs05 Rolled Up Jeans & Sneakers CategoryIcon legs Uncommon Ambidextrous trousers and grunge sneakers straight out of 2008.

"Unbelievable. You guys are the biggest chickenshits." -Zoey

PARAGRAPH I: Left Behind
MT Mask DG 01 Impact Runner CategoryIcon head Uncommon No matter what life throws at you, resist, overcome, and move on. That's how you win. Deathgarden Promotion
MT Torso04 LunarNewYear Fire Rooster CategoryIcon torso Rare A shirt for luck and protection.

Wishing you good fortune and happiness in 2017! - The Dead by Daylight Team.

2017 Chinese New Year
MT Torso04 L4D Infected - Black CategoryIcon torso Rare Thumbs up on an awesome shirt design.

"It's them or us!" -Coach

Dead by Daylight Steam Group Members
MT Torso04 L4DInv Infected - Red CategoryIcon torso Rare Thumbs up on an awesome shirt design.

"Dude, those zombies are REAL. I knew them books were nonfiction." -Ellis

Left 4 Dead / Left 4 Dead 2 Owners
MT Torso02 04 Leather Hoodie CategoryIcon torso Ultra Rare Casual, relaxing and warm on an autumn evening. Originally Street Meg + Science Fair Claudette Code Giveaway
MT Legs04 04 Retro Sneakers CategoryIcon legs Ultra Rare Bubble-gum pink sneakers for looking good while training. Originally Street Meg + Science Fair Claudette Code Giveaway

Atl Ico Events Wydarzenie[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Wydarzenie Wyłącznie Podczas Udziału w Wydarzeniu
MT Head01 4A Crown of the Entity CategoryIcon head Event A crown emanating a festive and ominous aura created by the Entity's biggest fan. Fourth Year Anniversary Yes

DLC iconDLC[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis DLC
MT Torso02 01 College Letterman CategoryIcon torso Uncommon For the honored college sports star. The 80's Suitcase
MT Legs04 01 Mauve Presentation Pants CategoryIcon legs Uncommon Smart, every day comfort for the sports enthusiast. The 80's Suitcase
MT Torso02 02 Hooded Training Top CategoryIcon torso Uncommon Classic uniformed training top. The 80's Suitcase
MT Legs04 02 Sports Leggings CategoryIcon legs Uncommon Athletic pants with classic running shoes. The 80's Suitcase
MT Head06 Tier III Braids CategoryIcon head Uncommon Masterfully knotted braids. Not for the feeble minds. Headcase
MT Head07 Jogging Headband CategoryIcon head Uncommon A modern and stylish headband meant for autumn's cold morning jogs. Headcase
M Torso03 AngryPug Angry Pug Team Uniform CategoryIcon torso Uncommon A unique shirt for Meg, created for Angry Pug. Charity Case
MT Torso02 KeGenius Kek CategoryIcon torso Uncommon A unique top for Meg, created for KeGenius. Charity Case
MT Torso02 Armorra Morra What? CategoryIcon torso Uncommon A unique top for Meg, created for Armorra. Charity Case
MT Torso04 PickleDream Pickle Nightmare CategoryIcon torso Uncommon A unique top for Meg, created for PickleDream. Charity Case
MT Torso03 Sly Rage Mode CategoryIcon torso Uncommon A unique top for Meg, created for Slyvinlisha. Charity Case
MT Torso02 Metro Raving Mad CategoryIcon torso Uncommon A unique top for Meg, created for Metro. Charity Case
MT Torso02 Samu Summertime Rolls CategoryIcon torso Uncommon A unique top for Meg, created for Samu. Charity Case
MT Torso02 EnvyTheElitist The Envy CategoryIcon torso Uncommon A unique top for Meg, created for EnvyTheElitist. Charity Case
MT Torso02 Nana The Nana CategoryIcon torso Uncommon A unique top for Meg, created for Nana. Charity Case

ExclusiveEkskluzywne[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Wydarzenie
MT Torso04 Twitch Twitchy Meg CategoryIcon torso Uncommon Twitchy Meg is twitching. Twitch Dev Code Giveaway
MT Torso01 LP01 Legacy Meg 1 CategoryIcon torso Very Rare The touch of the Entity leaves burning scars and blisters of light. Is it a gift or a curse? Legacy Prestige Reward
MT Legs01 LP01 Legacy Meg 2 CategoryIcon legs Very Rare The touch of the Entity leaves burning scars and blisters of light. Is it a gift or a curse? Legacy Prestige Reward
MT Head01 LP01 Legacy Meg 3 CategoryIcon head Very Rare The touch of the Entity leaves burning scars and blisters of light. Is it a gift or a curse? Legacy Prestige Reward
MT Torso04 KingKong King Kong CategoryIcon torso Ultra Rare This description is only available in foreign language Asian Streaming Service Promotional Item
M Torso02 Bryce Bryce McQuaid Shirt CategoryIcon torso Artefact A unique top for Meg, exclusively for Bryce McQuaid. Exclusive to Bryce McQuaid.

IconHelp archivesGeneralArchiwa[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Strój Kolekcja Tom Poziom
MT Head004 03 Confident Rough Cut CategoryIcon head Rare It's all about the attitude! Rougish Charm Street Smart 1 19
MT Torso004 03 Persistent Sleeveless Top CategoryIcon torso Rare Sleeveless top and bling. Representing the streets. Rougish Charm Street Smart 1 24
MT Legs004 03 Ruggish Ripped Jeans CategoryIcon legs Rare Colorful and contemporary, fitted, ripped jeans. Rougish Charm Street Smart 1 35
MT Torso002 03 Alpine Ski Vest CategoryIcon torso Uncommon This puffy running vest keeps you nice and warm while exercising in outdoor conditions. No Outfit No Collection 2 35
MT Legs006 01 Flash Leather Leggings CategoryIcon legs Very Rare A pair of vintage leather leggings held together by patches of faux silver. Perfect to stand out from the crowd. No Outfit No Collection 3 28
MT Head013 The Standout CategoryIcon head Very Rare An alluring hairstyle with lavish makeup and earrings to match. Jewel of the Party Conviction 4 70
MT Torso013 Lace Luxury CategoryIcon torso Very Rare A breathtaking lace top that is uncompromising in its beauty and class. Jewel of the Party Conviction 4 1
MT Legs013 Fame Maker CategoryIcon legs Very Rare A stunningly elegant black dress with a thigh slit, paired with an outstanding black sandal finish. Jewel of the Party Conviction 4 57
MT Head01 02 Grassland Sunset Cap CategoryIcon head Uncommon A ferocious cap to keep the sun out of your eyes—even if you’ll never see the sun again. Savannah Speedster Into the Wilderness 5 15
MT Torso01 02 Cheetah Print Top CategoryIcon torso Uncommon The pattern of a fearsome predator, though there are certainly deadlier claws out there. Savannah Speedster Into the Wilderness 5 26
MT Legs01 02 Speed Burst Leggings CategoryIcon legs Uncommon Get a leg up on the competition! May the fastest survive. Savannah Speedster Into the Wilderness 5 44
MT Head03 01 High Intensity CategoryIcon head Uncommon A colored cut that’s as boldly aggressive as the girl who wears it. Golden Summer Summer Camp 6 27
MT Torso03 01 Golden Eagles Jersey CategoryIcon torso Uncommon The Golden Eagles Summer Camp jersey. Meg counseled in the track & field segment, training young athletes for their future competitions. Golden Summer Summer Camp 6 34
MT Legs03 01 Golden Eagles Shorts CategoryIcon legs Uncommon A loose pair of athletic shorts that allow for full range of motion during training days. Golden Summer Summer Camp 6 45
Completed Outfits
Icon Name Body Rarity Description Collection Tome Tiers
MT outfit 004 03 Rougish Charm CategoryIcon outfits Rare A bit of swift-talking, a bit of common sense, a couple of self-defense classes. Ready to take on the world! Street Smart 1 19,24,35
MT outfit 013 Jewel of the Party CategoryIcon outfits Very Rare The dress gifted to Meg by her mother, shortly before she won it all. Conviction 4 1,57,70
MT outfit 01 02 Savannah Speedster CategoryIcon outfits Uncommon Competition is fierce on the dry, rolling plains, but nothing can stop Meg at top speed. Into the Wilderness 5 1,15,57
MT outfit 03 01 Golden Summer CategoryIcon outfits Uncommon A uniform from the Golden Eagles Summer Camp where Meg spent the season as an athletic counselor. Summer Camp 6 27,34,45

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CategoryIcon outfitsStroje[ | ]
Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Rzadkość Opis Zawartość Kolekcja Cena
Meg outfit 022 Track and Field Common Perfect for the energetic athlete in everyone. Provides support and comfort while keeping you dry. Fitted Cap (Purple/Green)

Sleeveless Sport Top (Charcoal)

Runner Leggings (Dark Gray)

Meg Essentials
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Meg outfit 014 Track and Field Common Perfect for the energetic athlete in everyone. Provides support and comfort while keeping you dry. Fitted Cap (Light Blue/Yellow)

Sleeveless Sport Top (Lavender/Green)

Runner Leggings (Light Green)

Meg Essentials
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Meg outfit 016 Track and Field Common Perfect for the energetic athlete in everyone. Provides support and comfort while keeping you dry. Fitted Cap (Green/Yellow)

Sleeveless Sport Top (Lime Green/Olive Green)

Runner Leggings (Dark Yellow)

Meg Essentials
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Meg outfit 015 Track and Field Common Perfect for the energetic athlete in everyone. Provides support and comfort while keeping you dry. Fitted Cap (Brown/Yellow)

Sleeveless Sport Top (Beige/Red)

Runner Leggings (Dark Red)

Meg Essentials
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Meg outfit 021 Track and Field Common Perfect for the energetic athlete in everyone. Provides support and comfort while keeping you dry. Fitted Cap (Blue/Red)

Sleeveless Sport Top (Blue/Red)

Runner Leggings (Blue)

Meg Essentials
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Meg outfit 005 Artic Fox Uncommon Get a head start on the competition with this cold weather outfit and running shoes combo. Sleek & Frosty

Polar Running Vest

Snowy Running Shorts

Winter Sprinter
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Meg outfit 006 Ginger Ninja Uncommon Get a head start on the competition with this cold weather outfit and running shoes combo. Bloody Red Ponytail

Smoke Bomb Running Vest

Shuriken Running Shorts

Winter Sprinter
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Meg outfit 004 Basket Brawler Uncommon Get a head start on the competition with this cold weather outfit and running shoes combo. Amazon War Paint

Active Brawler Vest

Baller Shorts

Winter Sprinter
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Meg outfit 011 The Brat Rare A bit of switft-talking, a bit of common sense, a couple of self-defense classes. Ready to take on the world! Wild One Rough Cut

Misguided Sleeveless Top

Rascal Ripped Jeans

Street Smart
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Meg outfit 010 Love Buzz Rare A bit of switft-talking, a bit of common sense, a couple of self-defense classes. Ready to take on the world!

Just ain't the way it seems.

Grunge Scene

Mosh Pit Sleeveless Top

Nevermind Ripped Jeans

Street Smart
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Meg outfit 012 Indie Rebel Rare A bit of switft-talking, a bit of common sense, a couple of self-defense classes. Ready to take on the world!

Later nerds!

Edgy Rough Cut

Disorderly Sleeveless Top

Restless Ripped Jeans

Street Smart
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Meg outfit 008 Grand Slammer Rare You know what they say: Play with respect, win with grace. Now shut up and serve! Smashing Braids

Thumping Tennis Polo

Slamming Tennis Skirt

Game Set Match
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Meg outfit 007 Forty-Love Rare You know what they say: Play with respect, win with grace. Now shut up and serve! Break-Point Braids

Over the Net Polo

Backspin Tennis Skirt

Game Set Match
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Meg outfit 009 Racket Scientist Rare You know what they say: Play with respect, win with grace. Now shut up and serve! Red Racket Braids

Pink Racket Polo

Salmon Skirt

Game Set Match
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MT outfit 011 End of Semester Very Rare Meg is not the ideal student, far from it. It's her last break before college and she intends to celebrate. Starry Undercut

Disco Ball Tank Top

Dark Cargo Pants

Winter Tales
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Meg outfit 008 01 Neon Fanatic Very Rare Come out of your shell with this outgoing, action-ready outfit, perfect for an April day. White Sweatband

Shell Jacket

Shorts and Socks

Wicked Wares
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MT outfit 010 Tempo Runner Very Rare Grab some ice, cool down, and enjoy the endorphin rush after a fierce workout. Braids

Breezy Tank Top

Active Force Split-Shorts

The Intensity
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MT outfit 012 Furious Vandal Very Rare Anger was boiling up. She didn't know where to direct it so she kept moving, trying to keep herself from stopping and thinking. Fiery Mane

Cropped Denim Jacket

Drop-Crotch Pants

Mean Streets
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Meg outfit 023 Sporty Beauty Queen Very Rare Dance the night away on Taiko drums. When you crave a good rush, there's no stopping you. Messy Braided Bun

Chrysanthemum Dress Top

Edgy Leather Leggings

Grim Matsuri
IconHelp auricCells
Meg outfit 013 Forturne Teller Very Rare Welcome to the traveling carnival! Come one, come all! See the most exotic spectacles and unimaginable oddities ever seen by a human eye! Carnie Long Locks

Divination Top

Prophetic Skirt

Fog Travelers
IconHelp auricCells
Meg outfit 009 01 Cross-County Hiker Very Rare Survival is just a matter of preparedness, no matter in which woods you find yourself. All-Weather Cap

Trial Essentials Backpack

Hiking Leggings

Boondocks Bounty
IconHelp auricCells
Meg outfit 002 Red Hot Runner Very Rare Hit the ground running! This fitness outfit will keep you dry and comfortable throughout a wide range of physical activities. Ruby Bob

Crimson Sleeveless Crop Top

Scarlet Mid Length Trousers

Athletic Active
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Meg outfit 003B White Valkarie Very Rare Hit the ground running! This fitness outfit will keep you dry and comfortable throughout a wide range of physical activities. Ashen Bob

Gold Wings Top

Gold Wings Pants

Athletic Active
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MT outfit 014 Oktober Enchantment Very Rare Meg made the most of her city's Oktoberfest celebration, always having an outfit ready. Festival Braids

Floral Bodice

Baltic Meadow Pants

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CategoryIcon headGłowy[ | ]

Szablon:Meg's Head Store

CategoryIcon torsoTułowia[ | ]
Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Rzadkość Opis Strój Kolekcja Cena
MT Torso01 CV09 Sleeveless Sport Top (Charcoal) Common The perfect blend of performance material and comfort. Track and Field Meg Essentials
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MT Torso01 CV01 Sleeveless Sport Top (Lavender/Green) Common The perfect blend of performance material and comfort. Track and Field Meg Essentials
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IconHelp iridescentShards
MT Torso01 CV03 Sleeveless Sport Top (Lime Green/Olive Green Common The perfect blend of performance material and comfort. Track and Field Meg Essentials
IconHelp auricCells
IconHelp iridescentShards
MT Torso01 CV02 Sleeveless Sport Top (Beige/Red) Common The perfect blend of performance material and comfort. Track and Field Meg Essentials
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IconHelp iridescentShards
MT Torso01 CV08 Sleeveless Sport Top (Blue/Red) Common The perfect blend of performance material and comfort. Track and Field Meg Essentials
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MT Torso002 01 Polar Running Vest Uncommon This puffy running vest keeps you nice and warm while exercising in outdoor conditions. Artic Fox Winter Sprinter
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MT Torso002 02 Smoke Bomb Running Vest Uncommon This puffy running vest keeps you nice and warm while exercising in outdoor conditions. Ginger Ninja Winter Sprinter
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MT Torso002 Active Brawler Vest Uncommon This puffy running vest keeps you nice and warm while exercising in outdoor conditions. Basket Brawler Winter Sprinter
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MT Torso004 01 Misguided Sleeveless Top Rare Sleeveless top and bling. Representing the streets. The Brat Street Smart
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MT Torso004 Mosh Pit Sleeveless Top Rare Sleeveless top and bling. Representing the streets. Love Buzz Street Smart
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MT Torso004 02 Disorderly Sleeveless Top Rare Sleeveless top and bling. Representing the streets.


Indie Rebel Street Smart
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MT Torso003 01 Thumping Tennis Polo Rare The classic tennis polo. Keeps everything at a comfortable temperature. Grand Slammer Game Set Match
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MT Torso003 Over the Net Polo Rare The classic tennis polo. Keeps everything at a comfortable temperature. Forty-Love Game Set Match
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MT Torso003 02 Pink Racket Polo Rare The classic tennis polo. Keeps everything at a comfortable temperature. Racket Scientist Game Set Match
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MT Torso007 Buzzer Beater Rare The last-minute victory is all the sweater. No Outfit Ugly Sweaters
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MT Torso011 Disco Ball Tank Top Very Rare Her shirt caught all the light in the room. For one night, Meg wanted to be in the spotlight far away from the running track. End of Semester Winter Tales
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MT Torso008 Shell Jacket Very Rare Lightweight, breathable jacket. Keeps you cool while jogging on a beach, and warm while running through a sewer at night. Neon Fanatic Wicked Wares
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MT Torso010 Breezy Tank Top Very Rare A lightweight top draped over a dark sports bra. The dropped armholes allow for airflow so you can reach your anaerobic threshold without burning up. Tempo Runner The Intensity
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MT Torso012 Cropped Denim Jacket Very Rare She got to know every street in Denver, every back alley. She knew how to look the part, blend into the crowds of stylish street rats who posed along the graffitied walls and empty lots while still having a warm home to return to. Furious Vandal Mean Streets
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MT Torso006 Chrysanthemum Dress Top Very Rare A sporty twist on a stylish floral silk dress. Pretty and practical! Sporty Beauty Queen Grim Matsuri
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MT Torso005 Divination Top Very Rare A layered top, light and comfortable. Perfect for days working at the carnival. Fortune Teller Fog Travelers
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MT Torso009 Trial Essentials Backpack Very Rare You can survive alone for weeks in the wilderness with this gear. At least, you hope you're alone out there. Cross-Country Hiker Boondocks Bounty
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MT Torso001 01 Crimson Sleeveless Crop Top Very Rare A cute sporty top that shows off the abs! Red Hot Runner Athletics Active
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MT Torso001 02 Gold Wings Top Very Rare A cute sporty top that shows off the abs!

Wings of the Valkarie

White Valkarie Athletics Active
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MT Torso014 Floral Bodice Very Rare Though it would have been common hundreds of years ago, this peasant-style bodice is a rare attention-catching look in modern time. Oktober Enchantment Oktoberfest
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CategoryIcon legsNogi[ | ]

Szablon:Meg's Leg Store

DLC[ | ]

Główny artykuł: Rozszerzenia do gry

Meg jest obecnie częścią 7 DLC:

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Ciekawostki[ | ]

  • Meg jest jedną z czterech oryginalnych ocalałych zaprezentowanych w premierowej wersji Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.
  • Meg była blondynką, lecz teraz ma włosy brązowe lub rude, w zależności od fryzury.
    • Nawet na niektórych zdjęciach jej włosy wyglądają na ciemny blond.
  • Jest jedyną z oryginalnych ocalałych nie uwzględnioną w zwiastunie, który pełnił również rolę intro gry.
    • Słychać jedynie jej krzyk, gdy Jake i Claudette zaczynają naprawiać generator.

Galeria[ | ]

Galeria Meg

ZABÓJCY IconHelpLoading killer
1 - 2
K01 charSelect portrait Evan MacMillan - TraperIconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait Philip Ojomo - WidmoIconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait Max Thompson Jr. - WieśniakIconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait Sally Smithson - PielęgniarkaIconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait Michael Myers - KształtIconHelpLoading shape
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K06 charSelect portrait Lisa Sherwood - WiedźmaIconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait Herman Carter - DoktorIconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait Anna - ŁowczyniIconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait Bubba Sawyer - KanibalIconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait Freddy Krueger - KoszmarIconHelpLoading nightmare
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K11 charSelect portrait Amanda Young - ŚwiniaIconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait Jeffrey Hawk - KlaunIconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait Rin Yamaoka - ZjawaIconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey - LegionIconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait Adiris - PlagaIconHelpLoading plague
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K16 charSelect portrait Danny Johnson - Ghost FaceIconHelpLoading ghost K17 charSelect portrait DemogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgon K18 charSelect portrait Kazan Yamaoka - OniIconHelpLoading oni K19 charSelect portrait Caleb Quinn - ŚmiercionoścaIconHelpLoading deathslinger K20 charSelect portrait Pyramid Head - KatIconHelpLoading wales
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K21 charSelect portrait Talbot Grimes - ZarazaIconHelpLoading blight K22 charSelect portrait Charlotte & Victor Deshayes - BliźniętaIconHelpLoading twins K23 charSelect portrait Ji-Woon Hak - MagikIconHelpLoading trickster K24 charSelect portrait Nemesis T-Type - NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis K25 charSelect portrait Elliot Spencer - CenobitaIconHelpLoading cenobite
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K26 charSelect portrait Carmina Mora - ArtystkaUnknown QuestionMark K27 charSelect portrait Sadako Yamamura - OnryōUnknown QuestionMark K28 charSelect portrait WgłębnikUnknown QuestionMark K29 charSelect portrait Albert Wesker - Mózg OperacjiUnknown QuestionMark K30 charSelect portrait Tarhos Kovács - RycerzUnknown QuestionMark
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K31 charSelect portrait Adriana Imai - CzaszkarkaUnknown QuestionMark K32 charSelect portrait HUX-A7-13 - OsobliwośćUnknown QuestionMark K33 charSelect portrait KsenomorfUnknown QuestionMark
OCALALI IconHelpLoading survivor
S01 charSelect portrait Dwight FairfieldSurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait Meg ThomasSurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait Claudette MorelSurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait Jake ParkSurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait Nea KarlssonSurvivorNea
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S06 charSelect portrait Laurie StrodeSurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait Ace ViscontiSurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait Bill OverbeckSurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait Feng MinSurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait David KingSurvivorDavid
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S11 charSelect portrait Quentin SmithSurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait David TappSurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait Kate DensonSurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait Adam FrancisSurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait Jeff JohansenSurvivorJeff
11 - 14
S16 charSelect portrait Jane RomeroSurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait Ash WilliamsSurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait Nancy WheelerSurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait Steve HarringtonSurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait Yui KimuraSurvivorYui
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S21 charSelect portrait Zarina KassirSurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait Cheryl MasonSurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait Feliks RichterSurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait Élodie RakotoSurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait Yun-Jin LeeSurvivorYun-Jin
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S26 charSelect portrait Jill ValentineSurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait Leon Scott KennedySurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait Mikaela ReidSurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait Jonah VasquezSurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait Yoichi AsakawaSurvivorYoichi
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S31 charSelect portrait Haddie KaurSurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait Ada WongUnknown QuestionMark S33 charSelect portrait Rebecca ChambersUnknown QuestionMark S34 charSelect portrait Vittorio ToscanoUnknown QuestionMark S35 charSelect portrait Thalita LyraUnknown QuestionMark
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S36 charSelect portrait Renato LyraUnknown QuestionMark S37 charSelect portrait Gabriel SomaUnknown QuestionMark S38 charSelect portrait Nicolas CageUnknown QuestionMark S39 charSelect portrait Ellen RipleyUnknown QuestionMark
S27 Carlos charSelect portrait Carlos Oliveira K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait Chatterer S27 Chris charSelect portrait Chris Redfield S26 Claire charSelect portrait Claire Redfield S22 Cybil charSelect portrait Cybil Bennett K14 HUNK charSelect portrait HUNK
S22 James charSelect portrait James Sunderland S22 Lisa charSelect portrait Lisa Garland K07 Look-See charSelect portrait Look-See K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait Mordeo S26 Sheva charSelect portrait Sheva Alomar S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait Jonathan Byers
K18 Armoured Titan charSelect portrait Wzmocniony Tytan K13 War Hammer Titan charSelect portrait Tytan Obuchowy K21 Birkin charSelect portrait William Birkin S22 Maria charSelect portrait Maria
K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait Baba Jaga K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait Przewoźnik K01 Krampus charSelect portrait Krampus K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait Minotaur K26 Jabberwock charSelect portrait Dziaberłak
S22 Alessa charSelect portrait Alessa Gillespie S02 Annie charSelect portrait Annie Leonhart S23 Armin charSelect portrait Armin Arlert K06 Birch charSelect portrait Birch S01 Eren charSelect portrait Eren Yeager Plik:K23 GodOfDesire charSelect portrait.png God of Desire
K27 Rotten Remains charSelect portrait Rotten Remains S21 Hange charSelect Portrait Hange Zoë S13 Historia charSelect portrait Historia Reiss S07 Kenny charSelect portrait Kenny Ackerman S04 Levi charSelect Portrait Levi Ackerman S20 Mikasa charSelect portrait Mikasa Ackerman
Alex Benedict Baker BytIconHelp entity ObserwatorUnknown QuestionMark Vigo i wiele więcej...
Smasher Teacher