Dead by Daylight Wiki
Quotes left Kolejna biedna dusza w tym koszmarze. Dla pozostałych, strach jest czymś powszechnym. Ten człowiek nie trzyma się zasad. Zamiast tego stoi dumnie i obserwuje otocznie z dziwnym spokojem. Przez ułamek sekundy zauważyłem jego wykrzywiony uśmieszek gdy podnosił coś z ziemi. Obserwując go z daleka, przez chwilę poczułem iskrę nadziei w sercu. Potem zniknął w ciemnościach. Resztkami wiary modlę się, aby los mu sprzyjał.

Quotes right
~ Nieznany (prawdopodobnie Benedict Baker)
Ace Visconti
AV charSelect portrait
Argentyńczyk z włoskimi korzeniami
Of Flesh And Mud
Aktor głosowy
Sebastien Varas

Ace Visconti jest jednym z 39 Ocalałych w Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.

Jest on częścią dodatku CHAPTER III: Of Flesh And Mud.

Opis postaci[ | ]

StoreBackground AV

Ace Visconti to hazardzista, którego szczęście nie opuszcza nawet na krok. Zapewnia swojej drużynie większe szanse na przetrwanie.

Jego przyswajalne umiejętności: Otwarte Karty IconPerks open-Handed, Podnieść Stawkę IconPerks upTheAntei As w Rękawie IconPerks aceInTheHole zwiększają szczęście wszystkich ocalałych i ułatwiają odnajdywanie w skrzyniach cennych łupów.

Poziom trudności: Łatwy

Tło fabularne[ | ]

Dodatkowe informacje można znaleźć w Tomie IV - Przekonanie: Idź na Całość.

Ace Visconti to czarujący jegomość. Ze swoim wyrazistym włoskim wyglądem, szarymi pasemkami włosów i zdolnością czarowania słowami mógłby uchodzić za starzejącą się gwiazdę filmową z lat 50-tych.

Jego serce zawsze należało do kart. Urodził się w Argentynie i właśnie tam spędził całe swoje dzieciństwo. Ciągle grał, oszukiwał, uwodził. Przetarł sobie szlak do luksusowego życia za pomocą sprytnej gadki, a także grając o wysokie stawki w krainie możliwości. Mimo tego, że pieniądze wymykały się mu przez palce, ten był święcie przekonany, że zdoła wygrać ich więcej.

Nie udało się mu spełnić tej ambicji i popadł ostatecznie w zbyt wiele długów u niezbyt wyrozumiałych lichwiarzy. Kiedy ci przybyli je odebrać, Ace zniknął i nie można było go nigdzie znaleźć. Nie wiadomo czy czmychnął przed nimi z własnej inicjatywy, czy może ktoś go ostrzegł, ale każdy kto go spotkał może z pełnym przekonaniem powiedzieć o nim jedno: przeżyje... wbrew wszelkim przeciwnościom.

Unikalne umiejętności[ | ]

Są to umiejętności, które pojawiają się początkowo tylko w Krwistej Sieci Ace'a. Po osiągnięciu 30 poziomu, dostępne są ich przyswajalne wersje:

  • Otwarte Karty - Poziom 30
  • Podnieść Stawkę - Poziom 35
  • As w Rękawie - Poziom 40

Raz zdobywszy, inni Ocalali będą w stanie znaleźć umiejętności Meg w swoich własnych Krwistych Sieciach.

Ikona Nazwa opis
Otwarte Karty

Zwiększa możliwości dostrzegania Aury Aura}} przez ciebie i członków twojego zespołu.

Zwiększa zasięg umiejętności bazujących na odczytywaniu aur o 4/6/8 metrów.

„Czujność jest tym, co trzymało mnie przy życiu przez te wszystkie lata. To i oczywiście mój świetny wygląd.” — Ace Visconti

Unikalna dla Ace Visconti przed 30 poziomem, po 30 poziomie przyswajalna wersja tej umiejętności jest możliwa do zdobycia przez innych Ocalałych.

Podnieść Stawkę

Wszystko będzie dobrze, czujesz to. Twoja pewność siebie wzmacnia nadzieję osób znajdujących się w otoczeniu.

Umiejętność zapewnia premię w postaci 1/2/3 % dodatkowego szczęścia dla każdego ocalałego pozostającego przy życiu.

„Cóż mogę powiedzieć? Po prostu jestem szczęściarzem... możliwe, że moje szczęście przejdzie na Ciebie.” — Ace Visconti

Unikalna dla Ace Visconti przed 35 poziomem, po 35 poziomie przyswajalna wersja tej umiejętności jest możliwa do zdobycia przez innych Ocalałych.

As w Rękawie

Fortuna zwykle ci sprzyja.

Podczas szukania Przedmiotu Przedmiot}} w Skrzyni Skrzynie}}, jest szansa, że Dodatek IconHelp addons będzie do niego dołączony.

  • 100 % szansy na Dodatek Bardzo rzadki lub o niższej wartości.
  • 10/25/50 % szansy na Dodatek Niepospolity lub o niższej wartości.

As w Rękawie pozwala zachować wszystkie Dodatki, które wyposażony jest twój Przedmiot po ucieczce.

"Nie wszystko złoto, co się świeci. Jednak złoto nie jest tu nic warte, więc to może się przydać." — Ace Visconti

Osiągnięcia[ | ]

Główny artykuł: Osiągnięcia

Obecnie dostępne jest 1 Osiągnięcie dla Ace'a.

Ikona Nazwa Opis
Ace – Ekspert}}
Ace – Ekspert Ucieknij z Mapy jako Ace Visconti używając wyłącznie jego Unikalnych Umiejętności: Otwarte Karty IconPerks open-Handed, Podnieść Stawkę IconPerks upTheAnte i As w Rękawie IconPerks aceInTheHole.

Wygląd[ | ]

Gracze mogą dostosować swoją postać wybierając odpowiedni styl ubrań z każdej z kategorii. Zakrwawiony ubiór jest dostępny po osiągnięciu poziomu 50 Ocalałego i odpowiedniego poziomu Prestiżu.

Niektóre ubrania mogą być zdobyte tylko przez zakup Rozszerzenia do gry.

Do ubioru Ace'a należą:

Domyślne[ | ]

Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Dodatkowe Notki
AV Head01 Ace CategoryIcon head Common A charming gambler; sometimes a winner, always broke. Base design of Ace's alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store
AV Torso01 Damask Shirt & Jacket CategoryIcon torso Common A classic jacket wonderfully arranged with a generously open damask print shirt. Base design of Ace's alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store
AV Legs01 Lucky Jeans CategoryIcon legs Common Sure... they might be a bit too worn and dirty for fancy casinos, but they bring good fortune! Base design of Ace's alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store

Prestiż[ | ]

Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Dodatkowe Notki
AV Head01 P01 Bloody Ace CategoryIcon head Rare A charming gambler that apparently won the blood bank jackpot. 3rd Prestige Reward
AV Torso01 P01 Bloody Damask Shirt CategoryIcon torso Rare A classic jacket wonderfully and generously covered in blood. 1st Prestige Reward
AV Legs01 P01 Bloody and Lucky CategoryIcon legs Rare Hey, it's just a couple of cuts and gallons of blood, they're still lucky! 2nd Prestige Reward

Specjalne[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Wydarzenie
AV Head01 ThaiBig The BIG Hat CategoryIcon head Ultra Rare Exclusive item for the Thailand BIG tournament. Originally Thailand BIG Tournament Code Giveaway
AV Head01 TPGS The TPGS Hat CategoryIcon head Ultra Rare Exclusive item for the Taipei Game Show. Originally Taipei Game Show Code Giveaway

Wydarzenie[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Wydarzenie Wyłącznie Podczas Udziału w Wydarzeniu
AV Head01 4A Crown of Entity the Great CategoryIcon head Event A crown emanating a festive and ominous aura created by the Entity's biggest fan. Fourth Year Anniversary Yes

DLC[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis DLC
AV Head02 Sharp Ace CategoryIcon head Common Grey-streaked hair and silver tongue. Of Flesh and Mud
AV Torso02 Grey Tux Jacket CategoryIcon torso Common Under the suit beats a heart that always belonged to the cards. Of Flesh and Mud
AV Legs02 Grey Tux Trousers CategoryIcon legs Common The finest trousers scam money can buy. Of Flesh and Mud
AV Head06 White Panama CategoryIcon head Uncommon A handsome hat for a handsome chap. Headcase
AV Head07 Tomstache CategoryIcon head Uncommon A glorious mustache of unthinkable thickness. Headcase

IconHelp archivesGeneral Archiwa[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Strój Kolekcja Tom Poziom
AV Torso003 03 Splashin' the Pot CategoryIcon torso Uncommon A light and comfortable shirt that allows you to express yourself perfectly. No Outfit No Collection 2 59
AV Head011 No Sweat CategoryIcon head Rare A relaxed goatee, breezy hair, and a lucky sweatband—as if you even need it, right? Sideshow Brawler Conviction 4 7
AV Torso011 Hell Kickin' Hero CategoryIcon torso Rare A sleeveless hoodie sporting an epic design that conjures all kinds of heroic fantasies. Sideshow Brawler Conviction 4 19
AV Legs011 Ol' Luckys CategoryIcon legs Rare A denim and cowboy boot combo that has been with Ace for many of his greatest victories. Bolstered by the lucky club belt buckle, there's no chance of defeat. Sideshow Brawler Conviction 4 28
AV Head02 03 Hot Handle CategoryIcon head Uncommon Though undoubtedly the most self-aggrandizing of all moustaches, one has to admire the confidence it takes to pull off the handlebar. Hotel Deceit Summer Cookout 5 63
AV Torso02 03 Best Vest CategoryIcon torso Uncommon An elegant vest that went missing from a casino’s storeroom, and somehow found its way to Ace’s closet. Hotel Deceit Summer Cookout 5 47
AV Legs02 03 Deluxe Tux Trousers CategoryIcon legs Uncommon A pair of expertly tailored dress pants along with fine leather shoes that Ace won in a game of Omaha. Hotel Deceit Summer Cookout 5 31
Completed Outfits
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Kolekcja Tom Poziom
AV outfit 011 Sideshow Brawler CategoryIcon outfits Rare It wasn't optimal attire for an MMA match, but that didn't worry Ace—he had luck on his side. Conviction 4 7,19,28
AV outfit 02 03 Hotel Deceit CategoryIcon outfits Uncommon Under a heap of gambling debt, Ace had no choice but to dress up and earn a paycheck serving wealthy patrons. Summer Cookout 5 31,47,63

IconHelp store Sklep w Grze[ | ]

CategoryIcon outfits Stroje[ | ]
Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Rzadkość Opis Zawartość Kolekcja Cena
Ace outfit 010 Aces and Eights Common Some call it a losing streak... but it's more like a winning streak that just hasn't started yet. While wearing the luckiest gear in the wardrobe, what could possibly go wrong? Lucky Cap (Dark Red)

Charmed Jacket & Shirt (Ash Gray/Blue-Gray)

Fortuitous Jeans (Camel)

Ace Essentials
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Ace outfit 014 Aces and Eights Common Some call it a losing streak... but it's more like a winning streak that just hasn't started yet. While wearing the luckiest gear in the wardrobe, what could possibly go wrong? Lucky Cap (Slate Gray)

Charmed Jacket & Shirt (Black/Maroon)

Fortuitous Jeans (Light Blue)

Ace Essentials
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Ace outfit 015 Aces and Eights Common Some call it a losing streak... but it's more like a winning streak that just hasn't started yet. While wearing the luckiest gear in the wardrobe, what could possibly go wrong? Lucky Cap (Brown/Gray)

Charmed Jacket & Shirt (Brown/Plum)

Fortuitous Jeans (Dark Brown)

Ace Essentials
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Ace outfit 016 Aces and Eights Common Some call it a losing streak... but it's more like a winning streak that just hasn't started yet. While wearing the luckiest gear in the wardrobe, what could possibly go wrong? Lucky Cap (Rust)

Charmed Jacket & Shirt (Blue/Auburn)

Fortuitous Jeans (Charcoal)

Ace Essentials
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Ace outfit 017 Aces and Eights Common Some call it a losing streak... but it's more like a winning streak that just hasn't started yet. While wearing the luckiest gear in the wardrobe, what could possibly go wrong? Lucky Cap (Dark Green)

Charmed Jacket & Shirt (Maroon/Blue-Gray)

Fortuitous Jeans (Gray)

Ace Essentials
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Ace outfit 004 Hey Ladies Uncommon Just a suave sophisticated lad. Hang with the right people in the right places. Cool Dude Shades

Fistful O' Pineapples

Lady Killer Loafers

Man About Town
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Ace outfit 006 Mover, Shaker Uncommon Just a suave sophisticated lad. Hang with the right people in the right places. Bouncer Beard

Pink and Proud

Light and Loafy

Man About Town
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Ace outfit 005 Too Sexy Uncommon Just a suave sophisticated lad. Hang with the right people in the right places.

'Cause I'm a model, you know what I mean?

No Messin' Around

Catwalk Shirt

Midnight Loafers

Man About Town
IconHelp auricCells
Ace outfit 009 Pink Rascal Rare Gain the trust of any unsuspecting stooge. Bright pastels, big smile, quick talking, quicker fingers. It's showtime! Trust Me Trilby

No Sweat Sweater

Sure Thing Slacks

Loveable Rouge
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Ace outfit 007 Shady Scoundrel Rare Gain the trust of any unsuspecting stooge. Bright pastels, big smile, quick talking, quicker fingers. It's showtime! Shady Trilby

Shady Mauve Sweater

Shady Magenta Slacks

Loveable Rouge
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Ace outfit 008 Classy Charlatan Rare Gain the trust of any unsuspecting stooge. Bright pastels, big smile, quick talking, quicker fingers. It's showtime! Fancy Fraud Trilby

Fake Flamingo Sweater

Phony Ninja Slacks

Loveable Rouge
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AV outfit 009 Flying Ace Very Rare Luck's always out there, you just gotta get in your crosshairs and pull that trigger. Officer's Crush Cap

Pin-Up Flight Jacket

Fighter Pilot Trousers

War is Hell
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Ace outfit 008 01 Rush of Spring Very Rare The flowers are blooming, the sun is out and Ace's luck is turning for the better: he has one of the golden tickets. Rose-Tinted Glasses

Daisy Vest

Muddy Slacks

Spring Ensemble
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Ace outfit 003 The Tomcat Very Rare Whether you are having a party in a casino, a nightclub, or a neighborhood grotto, you absolutely can not go past the classic smoking jacket. #sexualdemon Night Owl Sunglasses

Lover Boy Jacket

Smooth Operators Slippers

Smoking Jacket
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Ace outfit 001 The High Roller Very Rare Whether you are having a party in a casino, a nightclub, or a neighborhood grotto, you absolutely can not go past the classic smoking jacket. Ready to Roll

Money Maker Jacket

Hit the Jackpot Slippers

Smoking Jacket
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Ace outfit 002 The Golden Nugget Very Rare Whether you are having a party in a casino, a nightclub, or a neighborhood grotto, you absolutely can not go past the classic smoking jacket. Gilded Gambler

Gold & Gravy Jacket

Sunglow Satin Slippers

Smoking Jacket
IconHelp auricCells
AV outfit 010 Ace Vegas Very Rare Ace's debts sore to new heights. To get his luck back, he needed to visit his gambling mecca: Las Vegas. Gelled Hairdo

Coarse Shag

Midnight Sequin Pants

Mean Streets
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AV outfit 012 Winter Wisecracks Very Rare The fabulous holiday suit was a way to disarm his opponents at the poker table, keeping them in good spirits until it was too late. Reindeer Tracks

Ace Viscontree

Pine Legs

Holiday Horror
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Ace outfit 007 01 Seasoned Gambler Event Hit the ground running! This fitness outfit will keep you dry and comfortable throughout a wide range of physical activities. Salt & Pepper Pompadour

Red & Gold Tangzhuang

Dark Floral Trousers

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CategoryIcon head Głowy[ | ]
Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Rzadkość Opis Strój Kolekcja Cena
AV Head01 CV01 Lucky Cap (Dark Red) Common It's just a cap. Pretty sure luck has nothin' to do with it. Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Head01 CV05 Lucky Cap (Slate Gray) Common It's just a cap. Pretty sure luck has nothin' to do with it. Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Head01 CV06 Lucky Cap (Brown/Gray) Common It's just a cap. Pretty sure luck has nothin' to do with it. Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Head01 CV07 Lucky Cap (Rust) Common It's just a cap. Pretty sure luck has nothin' to do with it. Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Head01 CV08 Lucky Cap (Dark Green) Common It's just a cap. Pretty sure luck has nothin' to do with it. Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Head003 01 Cool Dude Shades Uncommon Mama says you are beautiful. Who could disagree with that?

BTW, These sunglasses can make you famous!

Hey Ladies Man About Town
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AV Head003 Bouncer Beard Uncommon Mama says you are beautiful. Who could disagree with that? Mover, Shaker Man About Town
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AV Head003 02 No Messin' Around Uncommon Mama says you are beautiful. Who could disagree with that? Too Sexy Man About Town
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AV Head002 Trust Me Trilby Rare Who doesn't believe a man with a nice haircut and fashionable hat?

Protip: Sunglasses hide the hangover.

Pink Rascal Loveable Rouge
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AV Head002 01 Shady Trilby Rare Who doesn't believe a man with a nice haircut and fashionable hat? Shady Scoundrel Loveable Rouge
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AV Head002 02 Fancy Fraud Trilby Rare Who doesn't believe a man with a nice haircut and fashionable hat?

With an elegant, antique handlebar, what could possibly go wrong? #itsnotarealmustache

Classy Charlatan Loveable Rouge
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AV Head009 Officer's Crush Cap Very Rare A dashing pilot's hat and eyepatch for a man who flirts with danger and lives to tell the tale. Flying Ace War is Hell
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AV Head008 Rose-Tinted Glasses Very Rare The future's so bright, you gotta wear shades. Rush of Spring Spring Ensembles
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AV Head001 Night Owl Sunglasses Very Rare Slicked back for success and ready to throw them bones! Come on lucky seven!

With these cool shades, they will never see you coming.

The Tomcat Smoking Jacket
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AV Head001 01 Ready to Roll Very Rare Slicked back for success and ready to throw them bones! Come on lucky seven! The High Roller Smoking Jacket
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AV Head001 02 Gilded Gambler Very Rare Slicked back for success and ready to throw them bones! Come on lucky seven!

The pencil mustache means business!

The Golden Nugget Smoking Jacket
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AV Head010 Gelled Hairdo Very Rare He pulled a few strands of hair into a neat swirl and applied a dollop of gel to secure it in place during the journey. Ace Vegas Mean Streets
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AV Head012 Reindeer Tracks Very Rare Behind the antlers was a gambler looking for a score. Winter Wisecracks Holiday Horror
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AV Head007 Salt and Pepper Pompadour Event A clean staple cut, with the sides kept short, blending into a beard lineup. Seasoned Gambler Moonrise
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CategoryIcon torso Tułowia[ | ]
Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Rzadkość Opis Strój Kolekcja Cena
AV Torso01 CV01 Charmed Jacket and Shirt (Ash Gray/Blue-Gray) Common A classic jacket over a plain button-up shirt. Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Torso01 CV05 Charmed Jacket and Shirt (Black/Maroon) Common A classic jacket over a plain button-up shirt. Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Torso01 CV06 Charmed Jacket and Shirt (Brown/Plum) Common A classic jacket over a plain button-up shirt. Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Torso01 CV07 Charmed Jacket and Shirt (Dark Blue/Auburn) Common A classic jacket over a plain button-up shirt. Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Torso01 CV08 Charmed Jacket and Shirt (Maroon/Blue-Gray) Common A classic jacket over a plain button-up shirt. Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Torso003 01 Fistful O' Pineapples Uncommon A light and comfortable shirt that allows you to express yourself perfectly. Hey Ladies Man About Town
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AV Torso003 Pink and Proud Uncommon A light and comfortable shirt that allows you to express yourself perfectly.

Nothin' unmanly about a lad in pink.

Mover, Shaker Man About Town
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AV Torso003 02 Catwalk Shirt Uncommon A light and comfortable shirt that allows you to express yourself perfectly. Too Sexy Man About Town
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AV Torso002 No Sweat Sweater Rare What kind of no-good con-man doesn't have a lovely colored sweater in their costume bag? Not this one! Pink Rascal Loveable Rouge
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AV Torso002 01 Shady Mauve Sweater Rare What kind of no-good con-man doesn't have a lovely colored sweater in their costume bag? Not this one! Shady Scoundrel Loveable Rouge
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AV Torso002 02 Fake Flamingo Sweater Rare What kind of no-good con-man doesn't have a lovely colored sweater in their costume bag? Not this one!

Pink flamingos, for the 'filthiest man alive'.

Classy Charlatan Loveable Rouge
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AV Torso006 Four Pips Rare It's time to show your winning hand. No Outfit Ugly Sweaters
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AV Torso009 Pin-Up Flight Jacket Very Rare Take to the skies with a timelessly classy leather jacket and a handful of bullets. Flying Ace War is Hell
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AV Torso008 Daisy Vest Very Rare Bright colors and a daisy pattern make you stand out from the pack. Rush of Spring Spring Ensembles
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AV Torso001 Lover Boy Jacket Very Rare For the classy gentleman, his cigar, and his stack of betting chips.

This one is for the ladies.

The Tomcat Smoking Jacket
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AV Torso001 01 Money Maker Jacket Very Rare For the classy gentleman, his cigar, and his stack of betting chips. The High Roller Smoking Jacket
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AV Torso001 02 Gold & Gravy Jacket Very Rare For the classy gentleman, his cigar, and his stack of betting chips. The Golden Nugget Smoking Jacket
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AV Torso010 Coarse Shag Very Rare Dressed in his lucky shirt, he rented a decadent vintage convertible. Then he hit the road. Ace Vegas Mean Streets
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AV Torso012 Ace Viscontree Very Rare A holiday jacket adorned with ornaments and garland. The perfect mix of classiness and gaudiness for winter on the Vegas strip. Winter Wisecracks Holiday Horror
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AV Torso007 Red & Gold Tangzhuang Event A semi-traditional, stylish jacket for Ace to join in the most exclusive tables. Seasoned Gambler Moonrise
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CategoryIcon legs Nogi[ | ]
Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Rzadkość Opis Strój Kolekcja Cena
AV Legs01 CV01 Fortuitous Jeans (Camel) Common Sure... they might be a bit too worn and dirty for fancy casinos, but they bring good fortune! Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Legs01 CV05 Fortuitous Jeans (Light Blue) Common Sure... they might be a bit too worn and dirty for fancy casinos, but they bring good fortune! Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Legs01 CV06 Fortuitous Jeans (Dark Brown) Common Sure... they might be a bit too worn and dirty for fancy casinos, but they bring good fortune! Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Legs01 CV07 Fortuitous Jeans (Charcoal) Common Sure... they might be a bit too worn and dirty for fancy casinos, but they bring good fortune! Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Legs01 CV08 Fortuitous Jeans (Gray) Common Sure... they might be a bit too worn and dirty for fancy casinos, but they bring good fortune! Aces and Eights Ace Essentials
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AV Legs003 01 Lady-Killer Loafers Uncommon Shorts and loafers, the perfect combination for casual comfort. Hey Ladies Man About Town
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AV Legs003 Light and Loafy Uncommon Shorts and loafers, the perfect combination for casual comfort. Mover, Shaker Man About Town
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AV Legs003 02 Midnight Loafers Uncommon Shorts and loafers, the perfect combination for casual comfort. Too Sexy Man About Town
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AV Legs002 Sure Thing Slacks Rare Simple, comfortable, and non-threatening. These slacks are the business. Pink Rascal Loveable Rouge
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AV Legs002 01 Shady Magenta Slacks Rare Simple, comfortable, and non-threatening. These slacks are the business. Shady Scoundrel Loveable Rouge
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AV Legs002 02 Phony Ninja Slacks Rare Simple, comfortable, and non-threatening. These slacks are the business. Classy Charlatan Loveable Rouge
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AV Legs009 Fighter Pilot Trousers Very Rare Comfortable and cool flight pants that look great whether on the ground or at 25,000 feet. Flying Ace War is Hell
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AV Legs008 Muddy Slacks Very Rare Even the best gambler has to make some quick exits, but the lucky rabbit's foot will surely keep you safe? Didn't work for the rabbit though. Rush of Spring Spring Ensemble
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AV Legs001 Smooth Operator Slippers Very Rare It's all about comfort and ease of access. Slip in, slip out. The Tomcat Smoking Jacket
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AV Legs001 01 Hit the Jackpot Slippers Very Rare It's all about comfort and ease of access. Slip in, slip out. The High Roller Smoking Jacket
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AV Legs001 02 Sunglow Satin Slippers Very Rare It's all about comfort and ease of access. Slip in, slip out.

With custom embroidered initials. Shiny!

The Golden Nugget Smoking Jacket
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AV Legs010 Midnight Sequin Pants Very Rare Wearing his best sequin pants, he reminisced about Vegas' golden age, when the city was still a shining beacon of prestige. Ace Vegas Mean Streets
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AV Legs012 Pine Legs Very Rare Festive pants, somewhat overshadowed by the creative bowed shoes. Winter Wisecracks Holiday Horror
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AV Legs007 Dark Floral Trousers Event Silk trousers with a dark red, floral pattern. Comes with a pair of dressy, slip-on leather shoes with a gold pointed toe. Brings a modern refinement to this sleek classic. Seasoned Gambler Moonrise
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DLC[ | ]

Główny artykuł: Rozszerzenia do gry

Ace jest obecnie częścią 4 DLC:

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Niedostępne DLC[ | ]

  • Thailand BIG Tournament Exclusive
  • Taipei Game Show Exclusive

Ciekawostki[ | ]

  • Ace prawdopodobnie jest żonaty, można zauważyć srebrną obrączkę na jego palcu serdecznym
  • Jest jedynym ocalałym, który się uśmiecha.
  • Jest pierwszym męskim ocalałym wprowadzonym w rozszerzeniu do gry.
  • Ace jest siódmym ocalałym, prawdopodobnie jest to odniesienie do szczęścia.

Galeria[ | ]

ZABÓJCY IconHelpLoading killer
1 - 2
K01 charSelect portrait Evan MacMillan - TraperIconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait Philip Ojomo - WidmoIconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait Max Thompson Jr. - WieśniakIconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait Sally Smithson - PielęgniarkaIconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait Michael Myers - KształtIconHelpLoading shape
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K06 charSelect portrait Lisa Sherwood - WiedźmaIconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait Herman Carter - DoktorIconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait Anna - ŁowczyniIconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait Bubba Sawyer - KanibalIconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait Freddy Krueger - KoszmarIconHelpLoading nightmare
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K11 charSelect portrait Amanda Young - ŚwiniaIconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait Jeffrey Hawk - KlaunIconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait Rin Yamaoka - ZjawaIconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey - LegionIconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait Adiris - PlagaIconHelpLoading plague
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K16 charSelect portrait Danny Johnson - Ghost FaceIconHelpLoading ghost K17 charSelect portrait DemogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgon K18 charSelect portrait Kazan Yamaoka - OniIconHelpLoading oni K19 charSelect portrait Caleb Quinn - ŚmiercionoścaIconHelpLoading deathslinger K20 charSelect portrait Pyramid Head - KatIconHelpLoading wales
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K21 charSelect portrait Talbot Grimes - ZarazaIconHelpLoading blight K22 charSelect portrait Charlotte & Victor Deshayes - BliźniętaIconHelpLoading twins K23 charSelect portrait Ji-Woon Hak - MagikIconHelpLoading trickster K24 charSelect portrait Nemesis T-Type - NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis K25 charSelect portrait Elliot Spencer - CenobitaIconHelpLoading cenobite
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K26 charSelect portrait Carmina Mora - ArtystkaUnknown QuestionMark K27 charSelect portrait Sadako Yamamura - OnryōUnknown QuestionMark K28 charSelect portrait WgłębnikUnknown QuestionMark K29 charSelect portrait Albert Wesker - Mózg OperacjiUnknown QuestionMark K30 charSelect portrait Tarhos Kovács - RycerzUnknown QuestionMark
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K31 charSelect portrait Adriana Imai - CzaszkarkaUnknown QuestionMark K32 charSelect portrait HUX-A7-13 - OsobliwośćUnknown QuestionMark K33 charSelect portrait KsenomorfUnknown QuestionMark
OCALALI IconHelpLoading survivor
S01 charSelect portrait Dwight FairfieldSurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait Meg ThomasSurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait Claudette MorelSurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait Jake ParkSurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait Nea KarlssonSurvivorNea
2 - 5
S06 charSelect portrait Laurie StrodeSurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait Ace ViscontiSurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait Bill OverbeckSurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait Feng MinSurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait David KingSurvivorDavid
6 - 10
S11 charSelect portrait Quentin SmithSurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait David TappSurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait Kate DensonSurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait Adam FrancisSurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait Jeff JohansenSurvivorJeff
11 - 14
S16 charSelect portrait Jane RomeroSurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait Ash WilliamsSurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait Nancy WheelerSurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait Steve HarringtonSurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait Yui KimuraSurvivorYui
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S21 charSelect portrait Zarina KassirSurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait Cheryl MasonSurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait Feliks RichterSurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait Élodie RakotoSurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait Yun-Jin LeeSurvivorYun-Jin
20 - 23
S26 charSelect portrait Jill ValentineSurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait Leon Scott KennedySurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait Mikaela ReidSurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait Jonah VasquezSurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait Yoichi AsakawaSurvivorYoichi
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S31 charSelect portrait Haddie KaurSurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait Ada WongUnknown QuestionMark S33 charSelect portrait Rebecca ChambersUnknown QuestionMark S34 charSelect portrait Vittorio ToscanoUnknown QuestionMark S35 charSelect portrait Thalita LyraUnknown QuestionMark
27 - 29
S36 charSelect portrait Renato LyraUnknown QuestionMark S37 charSelect portrait Gabriel SomaUnknown QuestionMark S38 charSelect portrait Nicolas CageUnknown QuestionMark S39 charSelect portrait Ellen RipleyUnknown QuestionMark
S27 Carlos charSelect portrait Carlos Oliveira K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait Chatterer S27 Chris charSelect portrait Chris Redfield S26 Claire charSelect portrait Claire Redfield S22 Cybil charSelect portrait Cybil Bennett K14 HUNK charSelect portrait HUNK
S22 James charSelect portrait James Sunderland S22 Lisa charSelect portrait Lisa Garland K07 Look-See charSelect portrait Look-See K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait Mordeo S26 Sheva charSelect portrait Sheva Alomar S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait Jonathan Byers
K18 Armoured Titan charSelect portrait Wzmocniony Tytan K13 War Hammer Titan charSelect portrait Tytan Obuchowy K21 Birkin charSelect portrait William Birkin S22 Maria charSelect portrait Maria
K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait Baba Jaga K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait Przewoźnik K01 Krampus charSelect portrait Krampus K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait Minotaur K26 Jabberwock charSelect portrait Dziaberłak
S22 Alessa charSelect portrait Alessa Gillespie S02 Annie charSelect portrait Annie Leonhart S23 Armin charSelect portrait Armin Arlert K06 Birch charSelect portrait Birch S01 Eren charSelect portrait Eren Yeager Plik:K23 GodOfDesire charSelect portrait.png God of Desire
K27 Rotten Remains charSelect portrait Rotten Remains S21 Hange charSelect Portrait Hange Zoë S13 Historia charSelect portrait Historia Reiss S07 Kenny charSelect portrait Kenny Ackerman S04 Levi charSelect Portrait Levi Ackerman S20 Mikasa charSelect portrait Mikasa Ackerman
Alex Benedict Baker BytIconHelp entity ObserwatorUnknown QuestionMark Vigo i wiele więcej...
Smasher Teacher