Dead by Daylight Wiki
Quotes left Pewnego dnia zaskoczyła mnie młoda kobieta. Jest kolejnym gościem w tym koszmarze z którego nie da się obudzić. Biegła, pomijając ranną dziewczynę. Ledwo na nią spojrzałem a ona zniknęła. Na jej twarzy malowało się skupienie, jakby zajęta była czymś ważnym. Czyżby samotny wilk? Nie wiem jak określić tę nową osobę.

Quotes right
~ Nieznany (Prawdopodobnie Benedict Baker)
Feng Min
FM charSelect portrait
Alternatywne Imię:
凤敏 (Chiński)
Skoncentrowana Zawodniczka
Spark Of Madness
Aktor głosowy
Bianca Lavric

Feng Min (chiński: 凤敏) jest jednym z 39 Ocalałych w Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.

Jest ona częścią dodatku CHAPTER IV: Spark Of Madness.

Opis postaci[ | ]

StoreBackground FM

Feng Min uwielbia rywalizację. Potrafi zebrać w sobie pokłady koncentracji i zarządzać nią tak, aby wypełnić aktualny cel lub zadanie.

Jej przyswajalne umiejętności: Technik IconPerks technician, Gibkość IconPerks lithe i Czujność IconPerks alert ułatwiają naprawę generatorów i lokalizowanie zabójcy.

Potrafi po cichu pracować przy generatorach i zauważyć zabójcę na długo zanim on zauważy ją. Nim zabójca zrobi cokolwiek, ona będzie już całkiem gdzie indziej.

Poziom trudności: Łatwy

Tło fabularne[ | ]

Kiedy Feng Min po raz pierwszy podniosła gry komputerowe, była młodą dziewczyną, a te wciągnęły ją natychmiastowo. Rodzice dziewczyny nie widzieli nic złego w kilku minutach spędzonych przed ekranem, lecz minuty zamieniały się w godziny, a godziny w dni; na tym etapie rodzice postanowili, że odłączą jej komputer i zmuszą Feng, by poświęciła cenny czas na studiowanie.

Feng czuła się przytłoczona przez rodziców, więc uciekła z domu i spędzała czas w kafejkach internetowych i na imprezach LAN-owych, gdzie nie miały zastosowania żadne stare zasady. Spędzała całe godziny grając w gry i prowadząc transmisje na żywo, usiłując wspiąć się na sam szczyt wirtualnej kariery. Udało jej się zyskać szacunek w świecie gier. Pod pseudonimem „Shining Lion" zaproszono ją do prestiżowego zespołu e-sportowego, gdzie odnalazła spokój, miejsce wolne od nieporozumień i uprzedzeń, którymi atakowali ją rodzice spoza świata gier.

Feng Min ciągle pokonywała własne ograniczenia, aby udowodnić, że jest najlepsza w tym co robi. Sen był mniej ważny od treningu. Wymagała od siebie zbyt wiele, spała zbyt mało, a jej umiejętności zaczęły blednąć. Zaczęła przegrywać. W nocy nie pozwalały jej zasnąć myśli o tym, jak zawiodła swoich rodziców... oraz fanów. Straciła nad sobą kontrolę i powoli się wyniszczała. Zaczęła błądzić po ulicach i odwiedzać pobliskie bary, budząc się w miejscach, których nie pamiętała. Pewnego dnia obudziła się jednak w ZUPEŁNIE innym miejscu...

Unikalne Umiejętności[ | ]

Są to umiejętności, które pojawiają się początkowo tylko w Krwistej Sieci Feng. Po osiągnięciu 30 poziomu, dostępne są przyswajalne ich wersje:

  • Technik - Poziom 30
  • Gibkość - Poziom 35
  • Zaalarmowana - Poziom 40

Po zdobyciu, można te umiejętności znaleźć w Sieciach pozostałych ocalałych.

Ikona Nazwa Opis

Jesteś mistrzem w obsługiwaniu wszelkiego rodzaju maszyn.

  • Zasięg słyszalności dźwięków wydawanych przy naprawianiu Generatora Generator}} jest zmniejszony o 8 metrów.
  • Przy nieudanym teście umiejętności istnieje 30/40/50 % szansa na to, że generator nie wybuchnie.

„Zrobię to po cichu.” — Feng Min

Unikalna dla Feng Min przed 30 poziomem, po 30 poziomie przyswajalna wersja tej umiejętności jest możliwa do zdobycia przez innych Ocalałych.


Po wykonaniu szybkiego przeskoku, zaczynasz sprintować z 150 % normalnej prędkości biegu przez maksymalnie 3 sekundy.

Wywołuje efekt Wyczerpanie IconStatusEffects exhausted przez 60/50/40 sekund.

Gibkość nie może zostać użyta, gdy jesteś pod wpływem efektu Wyczerpanie.

Czas trwania efektu Wyczerpanie nie zmniejsza się podczas biegania.

"Jesteś szalony?" — Feng Min


Opis Umiejętności nie został jeszcze dodany do szablonu.

Osiągnięcia[ | ]

Artykuł główny: Osiągnięcia

Dostępne jest jedno osiągnięcie dla Feng Min.

Ikona Nazwa Opis
Min – Ekspert}}
Min – Ekspert Ucieknij z Mapy jako Feng Min używając wyłącznie jej Unikalnych Umiejętności: Będziemy Żyć Wiecznie IconPerks wereGonnaLiveForever, Twarda Sztuka IconPerks deadHard i Bez Biadolenia IconPerks noMither.

Wygląd[ | ]

Dodatkowy wygląd jest dostępny w sekcji Feng w artykule Sklep.

Gracze mogą dostosować swoją postać wybierając odpowiedni styl ubrań w każdej z kategorii. Zakrwawiony ubiór jest dostępny po osiągnięciu poziomu 50 postaci i odpowiednich poziomów Prestiżu.

Do ubioru Feng należą:

Domyślny[ | ]

Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Dodatkowe Notki
FM Head01 Feng Min CategoryIcon head Common A highly focused and competitive young woman. She's in it to win it. Base Head Design of Feng Min.
FM Torso01 Lazer Bears Tournament Polo CategoryIcon torso Common Lazer Bears' official polo shirt for the 2016 e-sports tournament. Base Torso Design of Feng Min.

Base Design of Feng Min's alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store.

FM Legs01 Lazer Shorts CategoryIcon legs Common Short shorts showing off the flashy Lazer Bears' colors. Base Leg Design of Feng Min.

Base Design of Feng Min's alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store.

Prestiż[ | ]

Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Dodatkowe Notki
FM Head01 P01 Bloody Feng Min CategoryIcon head Rare A highly focused and competitive young woman... covered in blood. 3rd Prestige Reward
FM Torso01 P01 Bloody Lazer Bears CategoryIcon torso Rare Nothing like a blood smeared polo shirt to intimidate the competition. 1st Prestige Reward
FM Legs01 P01 Bloody Lazer Shorts CategoryIcon legs Rare Short shorts with the flashy Lazer Bears' colors under a thick layer of blood. 2nd Prestige Reward

Specjalne[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Wydarzenie
FM Torso01 CNEvent02 Lazer Bears Victory Polo CategoryIcon torso Ultra Rare Special edition Lazer Bears' polo shirt celebrating their victory in the 2016 tournament. Originally Golden Feng Code Giveaway
FM Legs01 CNEvent02 Lazer Victory Shorts CategoryIcon legs Ultra Rare Special Edition short shorts celebrating the Lazer Bears' victory in the 2016 tournament. Originally Golden Feng Code Giveaway

Wydarzenie[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Wydarzenie Wyłącznie Podczas Udziału w Wydarzeniu
FM Torso01 CNEvent03 Phoenix Rises Polo CategoryIcon torso Event A gold-trimmed polo with a phoenix motif.

"Happy Lunar New Year 2018!" -The Dead by Daylight Team

Howling Grounds No
FM Head01 4A Crown of the Entity CategoryIcon head Event A crown emanating a festive and ominous aura created by the Entity's biggest fan. Fourth Year Anniversary Yes

DLC[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis DLC
FM Head02 Relaxed Bun CategoryIcon head Common A relaxed hairdo when spending time away from the cameras. CHAPTER IV: Spark of Madness
FM Torso02 Day Off Wrap CategoryIcon torso Common A comfy and soft wool wrap that keeps you warm and cozy on rainy afternoons. CHAPTER IV: Spark of Madness
FM Legs02 Soft Track Pants CategoryIcon legs Common Common track pants complimented by flashy silver sneakers. CHAPTER IV: Spark of Madness

IconHelp archivesGeneral Archiwa[ | ]

Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Strój Kolekcja Tom Poziom
FM Head010 Conquering Herione CategoryIcon head Very Rare Straight, no-nonsense hair, with the symbol of Feng's defeated rivals acting as a war trophy upon her head. Demon Slayer Community 2 70
FM Torso010 Mad World CategoryIcon torso Very Rare Loud and eye-catching, the Shining Lion's jacket worked well with the charmingly demonic backpack slung upon her. Demon Slayer Community 2 47
FM Legs010 Fortune Crop Pants CategoryIcon legs Very Rare A traditional style mixed with urban fashion-a look that favors the bold! Demon Slayer Community 2 15
FM Legs002 03 Last Quarter Skirt CategoryIcon legs Very Rare Pleated Skirt and knee high socks to take you back to your high school days. No Outfit No Collection 2 54
FM Head01 04 Lavender Flare CategoryIcon head Rare A vibrant colored bob based on Feng's favorite anime heroine. Spring Recruit Spring Harvest 3 70
FM Torso01 04 Violet Burst CategoryIcon torso Rare A special Laser Bear uniform worn during the 2014 Nebula Arc championship and retired within the hall of fame. Spring Recruit Spring Harvest 3 15
FM Legs01 04 Electric Kicks CategoryIcon legs Rare The shorts of a Nebula Arc champion, paired with soecially-made sneakers based on the game's UI design. Spring Recruit Spring Harvest 3 39
FM Head001 03 Cartoon Bang & Ponytail CategoryIcon head Uncommon An elegant fringe-cut with ponytail. No Outfit No Collection 3 35
Completed Outfits
Ikona Nazwa Część Rzadkość Opis Kolekcja Tom Poziom
FM outfit 010 Demon Slayer CategoryIcon outfits Very Rare Feng dressed the part of slayer as she celebrated her Lazer Bears' victory over the reigning champion, Shock Demons.

Design inspired by Agus Alvi.

Community 2 15,47,70
FM outfit 01 04 Spring Recruit CategoryIcon outfits Rare The Laser Bears represented some of the world's hottest eSport talent, and Feng was the prized recruit that season. Spring Harvest 3 15,39,70

IconHelp store Sklep w Grze[ | ]

CategoryIcon outfits Stroje[ | ]
Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Rzadkość Opis Zawartość Kolekcja Cena
Feng outfit 013 Shining Lion Common A breathable, athletic attire for your nightly e-sports training sessions. Tournament Polo (Teal/Magenta)

Tournament Shorts (Black/Magenta)

Feng Essentials
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Feng outfit 012 Shining Lion Common A breathable, athletic attire for your nightly e-sports training sessions. Tournament Polo (Red/Teal)

Tournament Shorts (Black/Teal)

Feng Essentials
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Feng outfit 014 Shining Lion Common A breathable, athletic attire for your nightly e-sports training sessions. Tournament Polo (Purple/Black)

Tournament Shorts (Dark Purple/Black)

Feng Essentials
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Feng outfit 010 Shining Lion Common A breathable, athletic attire for your nightly e-sports training sessions. Tournament Polo (Lime Green)

Tournament Shorts (Black/Yellow)

Feng Essentials
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Feng outfit 011 Shining Lion Common A breathable, athletic attire for your nightly e-sports training sessions. Tournament Polo (Brown)

Tournament Shorts (Black/Orange)

Feng Essentials
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Feng outfit 009 Enter the Matrix Uncommon Captain's Log: Acquired an awesome outfit. The plan for world domination is falling into place...

There is no spoon.

Trinity Bang + Pony

Hexagon Sci-Fi Coat

Cypher Skinny Jeans

Sci-Fi Fan
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Feng outfit 008 Outer Orbit Uncommon Captain's Log: Acquired an awesome outfit. The plan for world domination is falling into place... Engineer Bang + Pony

First Mate Sci-Fi Coat

Space Explorer Skinny Jeans

Sci-Fi Fan
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Feng outfit 007 Extraterrestrial Uncommon Captain's Log: Acquired an awesome outfit. The plan for world domination is falling into place... Supernova Bang + Pony

Alien Sci-Fi Coat

Invader Skinny Jeans

Sci-Fi Fan
IconHelp auricCells
Feng outfit 005 Good Game, Easy Rare Show off your love for geek culture in style. The geek takeover has begun! #gg #ez Toxic Brown

Toxic GG Top & Jacket

Raw Denim Shorts & Boots

Geek Chic
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Feng outfit 006 Coffee Luva Rare Show off your love for geek culture in style. The geek takeover has begun!

But first, coffee!

Long Black

Caffeine Geek Top & Jacket

Washed Denim Shorts & Boots

Geek Chic
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Feng outfit 004 Electric Dreams Rare Show off your love for geek culture in style. The geek takeover has begun! Electro Highlights

Electric Bouquet Top & Jacket

Paradise Shorts & Boots

Geek Chic
IconHelp auricCells
FM outfit 011 Happy-Go-Lucky Very Rare Cooling off from an exhausting e-sport tournament, she took a well-deserved break by streaming her favorite game. Bunny Ears

Fuzzy Hoodie

Edgy Leggings

Spring Ensembles
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FM outfit 011 01 Eggs-Travaganza Very Rare Cooling off from an exhausting e-sport tournament, she took a well-deserved break by streaming her favorite game. Bunny Ears

Soft Hoodie

Comfy Leggings

Spring Ensembles
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FM outfit 008 Rare Loot Collector Very Rare Aggro the mobs with an outfit that's sure to be noticed. Fantasy Ribbon

Ruffled Top

Stripes and Spots

Lan Party
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Feng outfit 001 Amphibian Very Rare A throw-back to the slamming fashion of the 80s. Turn back time and blow everyone away with these retro styles! Tree Frog Ponytails

Skink Tie-Front Top

Axolotl Kitty Skirt

I Heart the 80s
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Feng outfit 003 Campus Punk Very Rare A throw-back to the slamming fashion of the 80s. Turn back time and blow everyone away with these retro styles! Prerequisite Purple Ponytails

Freshman Tie-Front Top

Applied Science Skirt

I Heart the 80s
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IconHelp iridescentShards
Feng outfit 002 Tokyo Subway Very Rare A throw-back to the slamming fashion of the 80s. Turn back time and blow everyone away with these retro styles!

From Akihabara to Harajuko, keep some surgical masks handy.

Masuku Bijin

Light Denim Tie-Front Top

Cherry Blossom Skirt

I Heart the 80s
IconHelp auricCells
FM outfit 009 The Main Event Very Rare The Nubula Arc Championship have arrived. Plug in, boot up, and show them what you can do. Cyber Gamer

Laser Bear Jersey

Laser Bear Pants

Familiar Foes
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FM outfit 012 Goddess of Warfare Very Rare From the fog, an outfit inspired by myths of Athena emerge, bestowed to one of gaming's greatest legends. Lavish Protectress

Warrior Goddess

Chained Breeches

Greek Legends
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FM outfit 010 Demon Slayer Very Rare Feng dressed the part of slayer as she celebrated her Lazer Bears' victory over the reigning champion, Shock Demons.

Design inspired by Agus Alvi.

Conquering Herione

Mad World

Fortune Crop Pants

IconHelp iridescentShards
Feng outfit 007 01 Spring Festival Event Feng partakes in the festive parade that courses down narrow streets and lights up the sky. Red Peony

Open-Back Top

High Slit Qípáo Skirt

IconHelp auricCells
FM outfit 013 Lady Defiant Event The extravagant dress reminded Feng of a heroine from a game she used to play. In the Entity’s realm, she’d take any reminder of home that she could get. Rose Fascinator

Grand Bow Corset

Ruffled Fishtail

Hallowed Curse
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CategoryIcon head Głowa[ | ]
Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Rzadkość Opis Strój Kolekcja Cena
FM Head001 01 Trinity Bang + Pony Uncommon An elegant fringe-cut with ponytail. Perfect for creeping and peeping! Enter the Matrix Sci-Fi Fan
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FM Head001 02 Engineer Bang + Pony Uncommon An elegant fringe-cut with ponytail. Perfect for creeping and peeping! Outer Orbit Sci-Fi Fan
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FM Head001 Supernova Bang + Pony Uncommon An elegant fringe-cut with ponytail. Perfect for creeping and peeping! Extraterrestrial Sci-Fi Fan
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FM Head003 01 Toxic Brown Rare Shoulder length straight cut with bangs. Simple, but classic. Good Game, Easy Geek Chic
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FM Head003 Long Black Rare Shoulder length straight cut with bangs. Simple, but classic. Coffee Luva Geek Chic
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FM Head003 02 Electro Highlights Rare Shoulder length straight cut with bangs. Simple, but classic. Electric Dreams Geek Chic
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FM Head011 Bunny Ears Very Rare To make her stream more festive, she embraced the spirit of the season and wore cute bunny ears. Happy-Go-Lucky Spring Ensembles
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FM Head011 01 Bunny Ears Very Rare To make her stream more festive, she embraced the spirit of the season and wore cute bunny ears. Eggs-Travaganza Spring Ensembles
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FM Head008 Fantasy Ribbon Very Rare In some realms, it's said to prevent status effects. In this one, it just looks cute. Rare Loot Collector Lan Party
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FM Head002 01 Tree Frog Ponytails Very Rare Colorful hair. Colorful makeup. Stand out from the crowd! Amphibian I Heart the 80s
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FM Head002 02 Prerequisite Purple Ponytails Very Rare Colorful hair. Colorful makeup. Stand out from the crowd! Campus Punk I Heart the 80s
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FM Head002 Masuku Bijin Very Rare Colorful hair. Colorful makeup. Stand out from the crowd!

Trapper-branded surgical mask. TM.

Tokyo Subway I Heart the 80s
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FM Head009 Cyber Gamer Very Rare Top of the line Ec.ko Shock headphones for premium gaming immersion, paired with anti-reflective 180-lens gaming glasses to reduce eyestrain. Standard issue hardware for members of the Laser Bears' Nebula Arc squad. The Main Event Familiar Foes
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FM Head012 Lavish Protectress Very Rare A hairstyle suited for a goddess, with the opulent jewelry to back it up. Goddess of Warfare Greek Legends
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FM Head010 Conquering Herione Very Rare Straight, no-nonsense hair, with the symbol of Feng's defeated rivals acting as a war trophy upon her head. Demon Slayer Community
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FM Head007 Red Peony Event A side bun decorated with a red peony to attract good fortune. Spring Festival Moonrise
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FM Head013 Rose Fascinator Event A small feathered headpiece, further adorned with a rose and placed upon colored hair. Lady Defiant Hallowed Curse
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CategoryIcon torso Tułów[ | ]
Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Rzadkość Opis Strój Kolekcja Cena
FM Torso01 CV04 Tournament Polo (Teal/Magenta) Common An unofficial, bootleg Lazer Bears tournament polo shirt. Shining Lion Feng Essentials
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FM Torso01 CV03 Tournament Polo (Red/Teal) Common An unofficial, bootleg Lazer Bears tournament polo shirt. Shining Lion Feng Essentials
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FM Torso01 CV08 Tournament Polo (Purple/Black) Common An unofficial, bootleg Lazer Bears tournament polo shirt. Shining Lion Feng Essentials
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FM Torso01 CV01 Tournament Polo (Lime Green) Common An unofficial, bootleg Lazer Bears tournament polo shirt. Shining Lion Feng Essentials
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FM Torso01 CV02 Tournament Polo (Brown) Common An unofficial, bootleg Lazer Bears tournament polo shirt. Shining Lion Feng Essentials
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FM Torso001 01 Hexagon Sci-Fi Coat Uncommon The sci-fi coat is warm and loose-fitting. Super stylish and cutting edge. Perfect for gaming events and cosplay. Enter the Matrix Sci-Fi Fan
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FM Torso001 02 First Mate Sci-Fi Coat Uncommon The sci-fi coat is warm and loose-fitting. Super stylish and cutting edge. Perfect for gaming events and cosplay. Outer Orbit Sci-Fi Fan
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FM Torso001 Alien Sci-Fi Coat Uncommon The sci-fi coat is warm and loose-fitting. Super stylish and cutting edge. Perfect for gaming events and cosplay.

Game over, man! Game over!

Extraterrestrial Sci-Fi Fan
IconHelp auricCells
FM Torso003 01 Toxic GG Top & Jacket Rare Casual top and jacket combo, perfect for stalking the streets or chilling out in internet cafes.

Good game, nerd!

Good Game, Easy Geek Chic
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FM Torso003 Caffeine Geek Top & Jacket Rare Casual top and jacket combo, perfect for stalking the streets or chilling out in internet cafes.

Let's Coffee!

Coffee Luva Geek Chic
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FM Torso003 02 Electric Bouquet Top & Jacket Rare Casual top and jacket combo, perfect for stalking the streets or chilling out in internet cafes. Electric Dreams Geek Chic
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FM Torso006 Gamer Cred Rare Just because it's the Holidays, that's no excuse to neglect gaming. There are people to beat and XP to gain! No Outfit Ugly Sweaters
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FM Torso011 Fuzzy Hoodie Very Rare Nothing could match the comfort and ease of that hoodie. It was ideal to stay warm during the cold days of Spring. Happy-Go-Lucky Spring Ensembles
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FM Torso011 01 Soft Hoodie Very Rare Nothing could match the comfort and ease of that hoodie. It was ideal to stay warm during the cold days of Spring. Eggs-Travaganza Spring Ensembles
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FM Torso008 Ruffled Top Very Rare The ruffled front is matched with a lace-up back and high waist, tied with a bow. Rare Loot Collector Lan Party
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FM Torso002 01 Skink Tie-Front Top Very Rare This light, tie-front vest and t-shirt combination comes with exactly the required amount of flair. Amphibian I Heart the 80s
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FM Torso002 02 Freshman Tie-Front Top Very Rare This light, tie-front vest and t-shirt combination comes with exactly the required amount of flair. Campus Punk I Heart the 80s
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FM Torso002 Light Denim Tie-Front Top Very Rare This light, tie-front vest and t-shirt combination comes with exactly the required amount of flair. Tokyo Subway I Heart the 80s
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FM Torso009 Laser Bear Jersey Very Rare A special Laser Bear uniform worn exclusively during the 2012 Nebula Arc Championships. A fine piece of gaming history. The Main Event Familiar Foes
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FM Torso012 Chained Breeches Very Rare A blouse that conveys elegance through simplicity, adorned with a gold-plated buckle, armband, and bracelet. Goddess of Warfare Greek Legends
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FM Torso010 Mad World Very Rare Loud and eye-catching, the Shining Lion's jacket worked well with the charmingly demonic backpack slung upon her. Demon Slayer Community
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FM Torso007 Open-Back Top Event Squeeze into this elegant, traditional silk top for a night of fireworks. Spring Festival Moonrise
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FM Torso013 Grand Bow Corset Event A striking corset, strapped tight and highlighted by a large bow. Lady Defiant Hallowed Curse
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CategoryIcon legs Nogi[ | ]
Rozwiń, aby wyświetlić zawartość
Ikona Nazwa Rzadkość Opis Strój Kolekcja Cena
FM Legs01 CV04 Tournament Shorts (Black/Magenta) Common Short shorts for work or play. Shining Lion Feng Essentials
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FM Legs01 CV03 Tournament Shorts (Black/Teal) Common Short shorts for work or play. Shining Lion Feng Essentials
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FM Legs01 CV08 Tournament Shorts (Purple/Black) Common Short shorts for work or play. Shining Lion Feng Essentials
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FM Legs01 CV01 Tournament Shorts (Black/Yellow) Common Short shorts for work or play. Shining Lion Feng Essentials
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FM Legs01 CV02 Tournament Shorts (Black/Orange) Common Short shorts for work or play. Shining Lion Feng Essentials
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FM Legs001 01 Cypher Skinny Jeans Uncommon Sleek and stylish skinny jeans. A great accompaniment to most outfits. Enter the Matrix Sci-Fi Fan
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FM Legs001 02 Space Explorer Skinny Jeans Uncommon Sleek and stylish skinny jeans. A great accompaniment to most outfits. Outer Orbit Sci-Fi Fan
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FM Legs001 Invader Skinny Jeans Uncommon Sleek and stylish skinny jeans. A great accompaniment to most outfits. Extraterrestrial Sci-Fi Fan
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FM Legs003 01 Raw Denim Shorts & Boots Rare Chic short shorts and leather work boots, great for kicking ass and taking names!

MLG plays.

Good Game, Easy Geek Chic
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FM Legs003 Washed Denim Shorts & Boots Rare Chic short shorts and leather work boots, great for kicking ass and taking names!

Let's Coffee!

Coffee Luva Geek Chic
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FM Legs003 02 Paradise Shorts & Boots Rare Chic short shorts and leather work boots, great for kicking ass and taking names!

Also perfect for tropical beaches.

Electric Dreams Geek Chic
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FM Legs011 Edgy Leggings Very Rare There was something liberating about not wearing pants for hours. The best part of working from home--leggings! Happy-Go-Lucky Spring Ensembles
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FM Legs011 01 Comfy Leggings Very Rare There was something liberating about not wearing pants for hours. The best part of working from home--leggings! Eggs-Travaganza Spring Ensembles
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FM Legs008 Stripes and Spots Very Rare Pair a short skirt, pleated and striped, with polka dot pantyhose. Rare Loot Collector Lan Party
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FM Legs002 01 Axolotl Kitty Skirt Very Rare Pleated Skirt and knee high socks to take you back to your high school days. Amphibian I Heart the 80s
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FM Legs002 02 Applied Science Skirt Very Rare Pleated Skirt and knee high socks to take you back to your high school days. Campus Punk I Heart the 80s
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FM Legs002 Cherry Blossom Skirt Very Rare Pleated Skirt and knee high socks to take you back to your high school days. Tokyo Subway I Heart the 80s
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FM Legs009 Laser Bear Pants Very Rare With the classic Laser Bear logo sprawled on the leg, there's no question which team you're representing. The Main Event Familiar Foes
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FM Legs012 Warrior Goddess Very Rare Soft leather pants with a chained belt that plunges from the waist. Intricate sandals complete the look. Goddess of Warfare Greek Legends
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FM Legs010 Fortune Crop Pants Very Rare A traditional style mixed with urban fashion-a look that favors the bold! Demon Slayer Community
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FM Legs007 High Slit Qípáo Skirt Event A red, figure-hugging skirt with a thigh-high slit. Comes with a pair of low-heeled, suede ballet flats featuring an ankle strap and lace-up design. Spring Festival Moonrise
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FM Legs013 Ruffled Fishtail Event A fanciful dress layered in ruffles and spattered with serum from overripe pustulas. Lady Defiant Hallowed Curse
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DLC[ | ]

Główny artykuł: Rozszerzenia do gry

Feng jest obecnie częścią 2 rozszerzeń do gry:

Dostępne DLC[ | ]

Niedostępne DLC[ | ]

  • Feng Golden Exclusive

Ciekawostki[ | ]

  • Drużyna eSportowa Feng Min nazywa się Laserowe Niedźwiedzie.
  • Ubierając koszulkę "Phoenix Rise Polo" dostępną z wydarzenia Howling Grounds, jej paznokcie zmieniają kolor na złoty.
    • Tak samo dzieje się ubierając "Lazer Bears Victory Polo".
  • W jednym ze streamów twórców, Feng Min została określona jako "Samotny Wilk".

Galeria[ | ]

ZABÓJCY IconHelpLoading killer
1 - 2
K01 charSelect portrait Evan MacMillan - TraperIconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait Philip Ojomo - WidmoIconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait Max Thompson Jr. - WieśniakIconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait Sally Smithson - PielęgniarkaIconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait Michael Myers - KształtIconHelpLoading shape
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K06 charSelect portrait Lisa Sherwood - WiedźmaIconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait Herman Carter - DoktorIconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait Anna - ŁowczyniIconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait Bubba Sawyer - KanibalIconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait Freddy Krueger - KoszmarIconHelpLoading nightmare
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K11 charSelect portrait Amanda Young - ŚwiniaIconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait Jeffrey Hawk - KlaunIconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait Rin Yamaoka - ZjawaIconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey - LegionIconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait Adiris - PlagaIconHelpLoading plague
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K16 charSelect portrait Danny Johnson - Ghost FaceIconHelpLoading ghost K17 charSelect portrait DemogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgon K18 charSelect portrait Kazan Yamaoka - OniIconHelpLoading oni K19 charSelect portrait Caleb Quinn - ŚmiercionoścaIconHelpLoading deathslinger K20 charSelect portrait Pyramid Head - KatIconHelpLoading wales
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K21 charSelect portrait Talbot Grimes - ZarazaIconHelpLoading blight K22 charSelect portrait Charlotte & Victor Deshayes - BliźniętaIconHelpLoading twins K23 charSelect portrait Ji-Woon Hak - MagikIconHelpLoading trickster K24 charSelect portrait Nemesis T-Type - NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis K25 charSelect portrait Elliot Spencer - CenobitaIconHelpLoading cenobite
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K26 charSelect portrait Carmina Mora - ArtystkaUnknown QuestionMark K27 charSelect portrait Sadako Yamamura - OnryōUnknown QuestionMark K28 charSelect portrait WgłębnikUnknown QuestionMark K29 charSelect portrait Albert Wesker - Mózg OperacjiUnknown QuestionMark K30 charSelect portrait Tarhos Kovács - RycerzUnknown QuestionMark
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K31 charSelect portrait Adriana Imai - CzaszkarkaUnknown QuestionMark K32 charSelect portrait HUX-A7-13 - OsobliwośćUnknown QuestionMark K33 charSelect portrait KsenomorfUnknown QuestionMark
OCALALI IconHelpLoading survivor
S01 charSelect portrait Dwight FairfieldSurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait Meg ThomasSurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait Claudette MorelSurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait Jake ParkSurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait Nea KarlssonSurvivorNea
2 - 5
S06 charSelect portrait Laurie StrodeSurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait Ace ViscontiSurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait Bill OverbeckSurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait Feng MinSurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait David KingSurvivorDavid
6 - 10
S11 charSelect portrait Quentin SmithSurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait David TappSurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait Kate DensonSurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait Adam FrancisSurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait Jeff JohansenSurvivorJeff
11 - 14
S16 charSelect portrait Jane RomeroSurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait Ash WilliamsSurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait Nancy WheelerSurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait Steve HarringtonSurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait Yui KimuraSurvivorYui
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S21 charSelect portrait Zarina KassirSurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait Cheryl MasonSurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait Feliks RichterSurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait Élodie RakotoSurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait Yun-Jin LeeSurvivorYun-Jin
20 - 23
S26 charSelect portrait Jill ValentineSurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait Leon Scott KennedySurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait Mikaela ReidSurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait Jonah VasquezSurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait Yoichi AsakawaSurvivorYoichi
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S31 charSelect portrait Haddie KaurSurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait Ada WongUnknown QuestionMark S33 charSelect portrait Rebecca ChambersUnknown QuestionMark S34 charSelect portrait Vittorio ToscanoUnknown QuestionMark S35 charSelect portrait Thalita LyraUnknown QuestionMark
27 - 29
S36 charSelect portrait Renato LyraUnknown QuestionMark S37 charSelect portrait Gabriel SomaUnknown QuestionMark S38 charSelect portrait Nicolas CageUnknown QuestionMark S39 charSelect portrait Ellen RipleyUnknown QuestionMark
S27 Carlos charSelect portrait Carlos Oliveira K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait Chatterer S27 Chris charSelect portrait Chris Redfield S26 Claire charSelect portrait Claire Redfield S22 Cybil charSelect portrait Cybil Bennett K14 HUNK charSelect portrait HUNK
S22 James charSelect portrait James Sunderland S22 Lisa charSelect portrait Lisa Garland K07 Look-See charSelect portrait Look-See K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait Mordeo S26 Sheva charSelect portrait Sheva Alomar S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait Jonathan Byers
K18 Armoured Titan charSelect portrait Wzmocniony Tytan K13 War Hammer Titan charSelect portrait Tytan Obuchowy K21 Birkin charSelect portrait William Birkin S22 Maria charSelect portrait Maria
K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait Baba Jaga K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait Przewoźnik K01 Krampus charSelect portrait Krampus K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait Minotaur K26 Jabberwock charSelect portrait Dziaberłak
S22 Alessa charSelect portrait Alessa Gillespie S02 Annie charSelect portrait Annie Leonhart S23 Armin charSelect portrait Armin Arlert K06 Birch charSelect portrait Birch S01 Eren charSelect portrait Eren Yeager Plik:K23 GodOfDesire charSelect portrait.png God of Desire
K27 Rotten Remains charSelect portrait Rotten Remains S21 Hange charSelect Portrait Hange Zoë S13 Historia charSelect portrait Historia Reiss S07 Kenny charSelect portrait Kenny Ackerman S04 Levi charSelect Portrait Levi Ackerman S20 Mikasa charSelect portrait Mikasa Ackerman
Alex Benedict Baker BytIconHelp entity ObserwatorUnknown QuestionMark Vigo i wiele więcej...
Smasher Teacher